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Mr. Mime 95b-147 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Aquapolis: Mr. Mime 95b-147 - Common HP 50 Mind Shock 20 Don't apply Weakness and Resistance. Poke-BODY: Energy Barrier If Mr. Mime would be damaged by an attack, reduce that damage by 10 for each basic Energy card attached to Mr. Mime. The maximum amount of damage that can be reduced by Energy Barrier is 20.

Product details

1 Cards in Stock

Aquapolis: Mr. Mime 95b-147 - Common
HP 50
Mind Shock 20
Don't apply Weakness and Resistance.
Poke-BODY: Energy Barrier
If Mr. Mime would be damaged by an attack, reduce that damage by 10 for each basic Energy card attached to Mr. Mime. The maximum amount of damage that can be reduced by Energy Barrier is 20.
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