Melbourne's Premium Bird Watching Tours
Phillip Island    •    Dandenong Ranges    •    Braeside Environmental Park    •    Western Treatment Plant

Floatzel 104-111 - Ultra Rare - Light Play

1 Cards in Stock Rising Rivals: Floatzel 104-111 - Ultra Rare Level-Up Pokémon HP100 Poké-Body Water Rescue Whenever any of your Water Pokémon (excluding any Floatzel [GL]) is Knocked Out by damage from your opponent’s attack, you may put that Pokémon and all cards that were attached to it from your discard pile into your hand. Energy Cyclone20× Choose as many Energy cards from your hand as you like and show them to your opponent. This attack does 20 damage times the number of Energy cards you chose. Put those Energy cards on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. Put this card onto your Active Floatzel [GL]. Floatzel [GL] LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level.

Product details

1 Cards in Stock

Rising Rivals: Floatzel 104-111 - Ultra Rare
Level-Up Pokémon
Water Rescue
Whenever any of your Water Pokémon (excluding any Floatzel [GL]) is Knocked Out by damage from your opponent’s attack, you may put that Pokémon and all cards that were attached to it from your discard pile into your hand.
Energy Cyclone20×
Choose as many Energy cards from your hand as you like and show them to your opponent. This attack does 20 damage times the number of Energy cards you chose. Put those Energy cards on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Put this card onto your Active Floatzel [GL]. Floatzel [GL] LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level.
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