Melbourne's Premium Bird Watching Tours
Phillip Island    •    Dandenong Ranges    •    Braeside Environmental Park    •    Western Treatment Plant
(87 items) 3 pages

Abra 43-102 - Common

14 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Abra 43-102 - Common HP 30 Psyshock 10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Arcanine 23-102 - Uncommon

2 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Arcanine 23-102 - Uncommon HP 100 Flamethrower 50 Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Arcanine in order to use this attack. Take Down 80 Arcanine does 30 damage to itself.

Beedrill 17-102 - Rare

1 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Beedrill 17-102 - Rare HP 80 Twineedle 30x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. Poison Sting 40 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.

Bill 91-102 - Common

20 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Bill 91-102` - Common Draw 2 cards.

Bulbasaur 44-102 - Common

11 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Bulbasaur 44-102 - Common HP 40 Leech Seed 20 Unless all damage from this attack is prevented, you may remove one damage counter from Bulbasaur.

Caterpie 45-102 - Common

3 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Caterpie 45-102 - Common HP 40 String Shot 10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Chansey 3-102 HOLO - Rare HOLO

3 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Chansey 3-102 HOLO - Rare HOLO HP 120 Scrunch Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Chansey during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) Double-dege 80 Chansey does 80 damage to itself.

Charmander 46-102 - Common

16 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Charmander 46-102 - Common HP 50 Scratch 10 Ember 30 Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Charmander in order to use this attack.

Charmeleon 24-102 - Uncommon

7 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Charmeleon 24-102 - Uncommon HP 80 Slash 30 Flamethrower 50 Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Charmeleon in order to use this attack.

Clefairy Doll 70-102 - Rare

2 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Clefairy Doll 70-102 - Rare Play Clefairy Doll as if it were a Basic Pokémon. While in play, Clefairy Doll counts as a Pokémon (instead of a Trainer card). Clefairy Doll has no attacks, can't retreat, and can't be Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. If Clefairy Doll is Knocked Out, it doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokémon. At any time during your turn before your attack, you may discard Clefairy Doll.

Computer Search 71-102 - Rare

2 Cards in Stock Base Set 1:Computer Search 71-102 - Rare Discard 2 of the other cards from your hand in order to search your deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Defender 80-102 - Uncommon

10 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Defender 80-102 - Uncommon Attach Defender to 1 of your Pokémon. At the end of your opponent's next turn, discard Defender. Damage done to that Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

Dewgong 25-102 - Uncommon

2 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Dewgong 25-102 - Uncommon HP 80 Aurora Beam 50 Ice Beam 30 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Diglett 47-102 - Common

14 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Diglett 47-102 - Common HP 30 Dig 10 Mud Slap 30

Doduo 48-102 - Common

10 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Doduo 48-102 - Common HP 50 Fury Attack 10x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.

Double Colourless Energy 96-102 - Uncommon

4 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Double Colourless Energy 96-102 - Uncommon Provides ColorlessColorless energy. Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.

Dratini 26-102 - Uncommon

6 Cards in Stock Base Set1: Dratini 26-102 - Uncommon HP 40 Pound 10

Drowzee 49-102 - Common

10 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Drowzee 49-102 - Common HP 50 Pound 10 Confuse Ray 10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

Electrode 21-102 - Rare

2 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Electrode 21-102 - Rare HP 80 Electric Shock 50 Flip a coin. If tails, Electrode does 10 damage to itself. Pokemon Power: Buzzap At any time during your turn (before your attack), you may knock out Electrode and attach it to 1 of your other Pokémon. If you do, choose a type of Energy. Electrode is now an Energy card (instead of a Pokémon) that provides 2 energy of that type. This power can't be used if Electrode is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.

Energy Removal 92-102 - Common

18 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Energy Removal 92-102 - Common Choose 1 Energy card attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon and discard it.

Energy Retrival 81-102 - Uncommon

8 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Energy Retrival 81-102 - Uncommon Trade 1 of the other cards in your hand for up to 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile.

Farfetchd 27-102 - Uncommon

5 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Farfetchd 27-102 - Uncommon HP 50 Leek Slap 30 Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. Either way, you can't use this attack again as long as Farfetch'd stays in play (even putting Farfetch'd on the Bench won't let you use it again). Pot Smash 30

Fighting Energy 97-102

12 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Fighting Energy 97-102

Fire Energy 98-102

12 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Fire Energy 98-102

Full Heal 82-102 - Uncommon

4 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Full Heal 82-102 - Uncommon Your Active Pokémon is no longer Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned.

Gastly 50-102 - Common

13 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Gastly 50-102 - Common HP 30 Sleeping Gas Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Destiny Bond Discard 1 Psychic Energy card attached to Gastly in order to use this attack. If a Pokémon Knocks Out Gastly during your opponent's next turn, Knock Out that Pokémon.

Grass Energy 99-102

6 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Grass Energy 99-102

Growlithe 28-102 - Uncommon

3 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Growlithe 28-102 - Uncommon HP 60 Flare 20

Gust of Wind 93-102 - Common

30 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Gust of Wind 93-102 - Common Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and switch it with his or her Active Pokémon.

Gyarados 6-102 HOLO - Rare HOLO

1 Cards in Stock Base Set 1: Gyarados 6-102 HOLO - Rare HOLO HP 100 Dragon Rage 50 Bubblebeam 40 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
(87 items) 3 pages
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