Melbourne's Premium Bird Watching Tours
Phillip Island    •    Dandenong Ranges    •    Braeside Environmental Park    •    Western Treatment Plant
(65 items) 3 pages

Azumarill 13-113 - Rare

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Azumarill 13-113 - Rare Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Marill HP80 This Pokémon is both Water Metal type. Bubblebeam20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. Rolling Tackle50

Bagon 57-113 - Common

8 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Bagon 57-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Bite10

Bagon 58-113 - Common

7 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Bagon 58-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Ember30 Discard a Fire Energy card attached to Bagon.

Beldum 59-113 - Common

2 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Beldum 59-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Poké-Body Conductive Body You pay Colorless to retreat Beldum for each Beldum on your Bench. Take Down30 Beldum does 10 damage to itself.

Castform 34-113 - Uncommon - Mild Play

2 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Castform 34-113 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Temperamental Weather Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for Sunny Castform, Rain Castform, or Snow-cloud Castform and switch it with Castform. (Any cards attached to Castform, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Shuffle Castform back into your deck. You can't use more than 1 Temperamental Weather Poké-Power each turn. Holon Draw Draw a card. If Castform has any Holon Energy cards attached to it, draw 2 more cards.

Cubone 60-113 - Common

6 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Cubone 60-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Beat10 Rage10+ Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Cubone.

Ditto 35-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 35-113 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Energy Link10 Search your discard pile for an Energy card and attach it to Ditto.

Ditto 38-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 38-113 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Copy Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon's attacks. Copy copies that attack. This attack does nothing if Ditto doesn't have the Energy necessary to use that attack. (You must still do anything else required for that attack.) Ditto performs that attack.

Ditto 61-113 - Common

5 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 61-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Fireworks30 Flip a coin. If tails, discard a Fire Energy card attached to Ditto.

Ditto 62-113 - Common

9 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 62-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Linear Attack Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Ditto 62-113 HOLO - Common

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 62-113 HOLO - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Linear Attack Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Ditto 63-113 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Ditto 63-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Power Duplicate Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Ditto and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Ditto on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Duplicate Poké-Power each turn. Thundershock20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Dragonair 41-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Dragonair 41-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Dratini HP70 Slam20x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. Dragon Rage40

Dragonair 42-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Dragonair 42-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Dratini HP70 Twister20 Flip 2 coins. If both are tails, this attack does nothing. For each heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.

Dratini 65-113 - Common

3 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Dratini 65-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Hook10 Thunder Jolt30 Flip a coin. If tails, Dratini does 10 damage to itself.

Dratini 66-113 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Dratini 66-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Thunder Wave10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Drowzee 67-113 - Common

7 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Drowzee 67-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Disable Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon's attacks. That Pokémon can't use that attack during your opponent's next turn. Headbutt20

Dual Ball 89-113 - Uncommon

10 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Dual Ball 89-113 - Uncommon Trainer - Item HPNone Dual Ball Flip 2 coins. For each head, search your deck for a Basic Pokémon card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Eevee 68-113 - Common

2 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Eevee 68-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Metal Scoop10 Search your discard pile for a Metal Energy card and attach it to Eevee.

Golbat 43-113 - Uncommon

4 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Golbat 43-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Zubat HP70 Super Poison Breath Each Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Sonic Signal Choose 2 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 10 damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Great Ball 90-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Great Ball 90-113 - Uncommon Trainer - Item HPNone Great Ball Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex) and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Hariyama 44-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Hariyama 44-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Makuhita HP80 Poké-Body Reversal Aura As long as you have more Prize cards left than your opponent, each of Hariyama's attacks does 20 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance) and damage done by the Active Pokémon to Hariyama is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). Slap Push30 Brick Smash50 This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.

Holon Mentor 93-113 - Uncommon

5 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Holon Mentor 93-113 - Uncommon Trainer [Supporter] HPNone You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card. Discard a card from your hand. If you can't discard a card from your hand, you can't play this card. Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Pokémon that each has 100 HP or less, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Holon Ruins 96-113 - Uncommon

4 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Holon Ruins 96-113 - Uncommon Trainer [Stadium] HPNone This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card. Each player that has any Pokémon in play that has ? on its card may draw a card once during his or her turn. If the player does, he or she discards a card from his or her hand.

Holons Magnemite 70-113 Rev. HOLO - Common

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Holons Magnemite 70-113 Rev. HOLO - Common Basic Pokémon HP10 You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides Colorless Energy. Linear Attack Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 10 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Holons Voltorb 71-113 - Common

8 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Holons Voltorb 71-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP40 You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides Colorless Energy. Thundershock10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Illumise 45-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Illumise 45-113 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP60 Poké-Body Beacon Protection As long as you have Volbeat in play, prevent all effects, including damage, done to Illumise by attacks from your opponent's Pokémon that has Dark in its name. Call for Family Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. Strange Rasping20 If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

Kakuna 46-113 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Kakuna 46-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Weedle HP60 Fast Evolution Search your deck for an Evolution card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. Rollout30

Kirlia 47-113 - Uncommon

3 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Kirlia 47-113 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Ralts HP70 Calm Mind Remove 3 damage counters from Kirlia. Psychic Boom20+ Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.

Koffing 72-113 - Common

6 Cards in Stock Delta Species: Koffing 72-113 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Confusion Gas The Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Ram20
(65 items) 3 pages
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