Melbourne's Premium Bird Watching Tours
Phillip Island    •    Dandenong Ranges    •    Braeside Environmental Park    •    Western Treatment Plant
(76 items) 3 pages

Spoink 77-102 - Common - Light Play

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Spoink 77-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Sleep Pearl The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Switch Spoink with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

Swablu 78-102 - Common

3 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Swablu 78-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP40 Wing Flick10 Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.

Swinub 79-102 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Swinub 79-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Headbutt10 Ice Ball20

Tentacool 80-102 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Tentacool 80-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Gentle Wrap10 The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Tentacool 80-102 Rev. HOLO - Common

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Tentacool 80-102 Rev. HOLO - Common Basic Pokémon HP60 Gentle Wrap10 The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Tentacruel 50-102 - Uncommon

5 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Tentacruel 50-102 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Tentacool HP90 Tentavolve20 If Tentacruel evolved from Tentacool during this turn, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. Hyper Beam50 Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon.

Twins 88-102 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Twins 88-102 - Uncommon Trainer - Supporter You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card. You may use this card only if you have more Prize cards left than your opponent. Search your deck for any 2 cards and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Unown 51-102 - Uncommon

2 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Unown 51-102 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP50 Poké-Power CURE Once during your turn, when you put Unown from your hand onto your Bench, remove all Special Conditions from your Active Pokémon. Hidden Power10

Venonat 81-102 - Common

3 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Venonat 81-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Tackle20

Volbeat 82-102 - Common

2 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Volbeat 82-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP70 Illumisile If you don't have Illumise in play, this attack does nothing. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Firefly Light30 The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Confused.

Wailmer 52-102 - Uncommon

T3 Cards in Stock riumphant: Wailmer 52-102 - Uncommon Basic Pokémon HP90 Double Attack Choose 2 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Surf50

Wailord 31-102 - Rare - Mild Play

1 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Wailord 31-102 - Rare Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Wailmer HP180 Underwater Dive Flip 2 coins. For each heads, remove 3 damage counters from Wailord. Swallow Up50+ Before doing damage, count the remaining HP of the Defending Pokémon and Wailord. If the Defending Pokémon has fewer remaining HP than Wailord, this attack does 50 damage plus 50 more damage.

Weepinbell 53-102 - Uncommon

3 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Weepinbell 53-102 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Bellsprout HP80 Poisonpowder The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Corrode Target10 Filp a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand, choose 1 card, and discard it.

Yanma 84-102 - Common

3 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Yanma 84-102 - Common Basic Pokémon HP50 Poké-Body Free Flight If Yanma has no Energy attached to it, Yanma's Retreat Cost is 0. Dive20

Yanmega 54-102 - Uncommon

5 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Yanmega 54-102 - Uncommon Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Yanma HP90 Shoot Through20 Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) U-turn50 Switch Yanmega with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

Yanmega 98-102 - Ultra Rare

4 Cards in Stock Triumphant: Yanmega 98-102 - Ultra Rare Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From: Yanma HP110 Poké-Body Insight If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent the attack cost of each of Yanmega's attacks is 0. Linear Attack Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Sonicboom70 This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance.
(76 items) 3 pages
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