Melbourne's Premium Bird Watching Tours
Phillip Island    •    Dandenong Ranges    •    Braeside Environmental Park    •    Western Treatment Plant
(58 items) 2 pages

Ariados 27-111 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Ariados 27-111 - Uncommon HP 60 Spider Web Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat. (Benching or evolving that Pokémon ends this effect.) Poison Bite 20 If this attack damages the Defending Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned and you remove a number of damage counters from Ariados equal to half that damage (rounded up to the nearest 10). If Ariados has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.

Ariados 27-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Ariados 27-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon HP 60 Spider Web Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat. (Benching or evolving that Pokémon ends this effect.) Poison Bite 20 If this attack damages the Defending Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned and you remove a number of damage counters from Ariados equal to half that damage (rounded up to the nearest 10). If Ariados has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them.

Bayleef 29-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Bayleef 29-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon HP 80 Sweet Scent Flip a coin. If heads and if any of your Pokémon have any damage counters on them, then remove 2 damage counters from 1 of them (or 1 if it only has 1). If tails and if any of your opponent's Pokémon have any damage counters on them, choose 1 of them and remove 2 damage counters from it (or 1 if it only has 1). Double Razor Leaf 40x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.

Berry 99-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Berry 99-111 1st Ed. - Common At any time between turns, if there are at least 2 damage counters on the Pokémon Berry is attached to, you may remove 2 of them and discard Berry. At the start of each turn, if there are at least 2 damage counters on the Pokémon Berry is attached to, remove 2 of them and discard Berry.

Bills Teleporter 91-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Bills Teleporter 91-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon Flip a coin. If heads, draw 4 cards.

Chikorita 53-111 1st Ed. - Common

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Chikorita 53-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 40 Tackle 10 Deflector During your opponent's next turn, whenever Chikorita takes damage, divide that damage in half (rounded down to the nearest 10). (Any other effects still happen.)

Chikorita 54-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Chikorita 54-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Growl If the Defending Pokémon attacks Chikorita during your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Chikorita is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.) Razor Leaf 20

Chinchou 55-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Chinchou 55-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Supersonic Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Flail 10x Does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Chinchou.

Croconaw 31-111 - Uncommon - Light Play

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Croconaw 31-111 - Uncommon HP 70 Screech Until the end of your next turn, if an attack damages the Defending Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 20 more damage to the Defending Pokémon Jaw Clamp 30 Until the end of your opponent's next turn, as long as Croconaw is your Active Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat, and if the effect of an attack, Pokémon Power, or Trainer card would change that player's Active Pokémon, that part of the effect does nothing.

Croconaw 31-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Croconaw 31-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon HP 70 Screech Until the end of your next turn, if an attack damages the Defending Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 20 more damage to the Defending Pokémon Jaw Clamp 30 Until the end of your opponent's next turn, as long as Croconaw is your Active Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat, and if the effect of an attack, Pokémon Power, or Trainer card would change that player's Active Pokémon, that part of the effect does nothing.

Cyndaquil 56-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Cyndaquil 56-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 40 Leer Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack Cyndaquil during you opponent's next turn.(Benching or evolving either Pokeon ends this effect.) Swift 20 This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Pokémon Powers, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.

Cyndaquil 57-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Cyndaquil 57-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Fireworks 20 Flip a coin. If tails, discard 1 Energy card attached to Cyndaquil. Quick Attack 10+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage; if tails, this attack does 10 damage.

Double Gust 100-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Double Gust 100-111 1st Ed. - Common If you have any Benched Pokémon, your opponent chooses 1 of them and switches it with your Active Pokémon. Then, if your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose 1 of them and switch it with his or her Active Pokémon.

Fire Energy 107-111

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Fire Energy 107-111 Image does not show actual card pircture

Furret 35-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Furret 35-111 1st Ed. - Uncommon HP 60 Quick Attack 20+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack does 20 damage. Slam 30x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.

Girafarig 58-111 - Common - Light Play

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Girafarig 58-111 - Common HP 60 Agility 10 Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Girafarig. Psybeam 20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

Girafarig 58-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Girafarig 58-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 60 Agility 10 Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Girafarig. Psybeam 20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

Grass Energy 108-111

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Grass Energy 108-111 Image does not show actual card pircture

Hoothoot 60-111 - Common - Light Play

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Hoothoot 60-111 - Common HP 50 Hypnosis The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Peck 20

Hoothoot 60-111 1st Ed. - Common

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Hoothoot 60-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Hypnosis The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Peck 20

Hoppip 61-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Hoppip 61-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Hop 10 Sprout Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon named Hoppip and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)

Horsea 62-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Horsea 62-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 50 Fin Slap 20+ If an attack damaged Horsea during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If not, this attack does 20 damage.

Ledyba 63-111 - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Ledyba 63-111 - Common HP 40 Supersonic Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Comet Punch 10x Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.

Ledyba 63-111 1st Ed. - Common

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Ledyba 63-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 40 Supersonic Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Comet Punch 10x Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.

Lightning Energy 109-111

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Lightning Energy 109-111 Image does not show actual card pircture

Magmar 40-111 - Uncommon

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Magmar 40-111 - Uncommon HP 70 Tail Slap 20 Magma Punch 40

Magmar 40-111 1st Ed, - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Magmar 40-111 1st Ed, - Uncommon HP 70 Tail Slap 20 Magma Punch 40

Mantine 64-111 1st Ed. - Common

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Mantine 64-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 60 Undulate 20 Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mantine.

Marill 66-111 1st Ed. - Common

2 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Marill 66-111 1st Ed. - Common HP 40 Defemse Curl Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Marill during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) Bubble Bomb 30 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, Marill does 10 damage to itself.

Miracle Berry 94-111 - Uncommon

1 Cards in Stock Neo Genesis: Miracle Berry 94-111 - Uncommon At any time between turns, if the Pokémon Miracle Berry is attached to is Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned, you may remove all of those effects from that Pokémon and discard Miracle Berry. At the start of each turn, if the Pokémon Miracle Berry is attached to is Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned, remove all of those effects from that Pokémon and discard Miracle Berry.
(58 items) 2 pages
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